Cottonwood Shores council faces tax increase, economic growth



By Emily Hilley-Sierzchula

Public input was aired Thursday evening, Aug. 21, in the first of two public hearings on a Cottonwood Shores City Council proposal to raise property taxes in 2015 to generate $20,000 more for the community.

A tax rate of $.543800 per $100 valuation, which would amount to $26.60 for every $100,000 worth of property, was considered at the city council meeting Aug. 7.

The goal of the hearing was to give residents a chance to ask questions, offer solutions or voice concerns. A second public hearing is planned Aug. 28 at 6 p.m. in city hall.

Aside from Councilman Tony Satsky and Mayor Donald Orr, who are both over 65 and eligible for frozen property tax rates, several council members pointed out that raising property tax rates is an equitable way to raise needed funds for the city.

“This will be felt by all of us, and it’s a good way to spread out taxes [over the population],” said Councilman Marley Porter. “We shouldn’t have to raise taxes again anytime soon, especially because our little city is growing with more residents moving in.”

Billie Parker, resident, voiced her concerns, which were answered by council members. 

For the full story, see Tuesday's Highlander.

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