Spicewood Elementary students put their hearts into studying science
Students experiment with stethoscopes after the Heart Lab, Friday, Feb. 5.
By Emily Hilley-Sierzchula
It takes some students longer than others to warm to the cold heart on the lab table in front of them. Eventually, though, they all just have to touch it.
“Ew, this is so gross...Let me feel that one,” said Melissa Resendiz, fourth grader at Spicewood Elementary. She was the first to touch the two pig hearts at her table of three girls. It was Resendiz’s fourth Heart Lab experience.
She was one of plenty of Heart Lab veterans at Spicewood Elementary on Friday, Feb. 5, because kindergartners have their turn exploring the pig heart specimens. Still, even though the Heart Lab is an annual occurance, every year the students learn something new.
“It’s kind of gross, but I like how we learn about the pig’s heart and our own heart,” Resendiz said. “They teach us more about the heart each year.”
For more, see The Highlander, Friday, Feb. 12.