See the future today, Tuesday, April 12

By Glynis Crawford Smith
The Highlander
Citizens have one more chance today Tuesday, April 12, to review the work on a Comprehensive Plan Update for the City of Marble Falls.
An open house is set for 6 p.m. at Lakeside Pavilion, 307 Buena Vista Drive.
The display of their work with Halff Associates consultants, with city staff on hand to answer questions, will follow a 3 p.m. workshop meeting of the groups involved in the revision, also at the pavilion. They include the Marble Falls City Council, Economic Development Corporation, Planning and Zoning Commission and Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.
“Both are public meetings,” said Caleb Kraenzel, director of development services. “In the meeting at 6 p.m. we are looking for public input on the plan.”
It will be one in a series of forums for the public. In August the advisory committee held a meeting in which they asked citizens to expand on the online survey conducted by the city. In this meeting they will be sharing how information has coalesced into a plan for the city's future.