Highland Lakes cleanups continue
Submitted by highlander1 on

City clean-up events are going on, but they don't include hazardous waste. The 2016 Burnet County Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection will be held May 21, accepting liquid paint automotive fluids and batteries. Not allowed will be compact fluorescent bulbs (accepted at Home Depot), agricultural pesticides and chemicals, propane cylinders over 30 pounds, wooden TV/electronics consoles, explosives and the medical/pharmaceutical items allowed at the Burnet Drug Take-Back Day.
Spring cleaning all over Burnet County and on in to Llano County continues next week with the City of Marble Falls Clean-up and events in Granite Shoals and Kingsland on Saturday, April 30 and specialized Burnet County events for drug disposal April 30 and hazardous waste disposal May 21.
Citywide events were held in Bertram March 2 and April 2.
Marble Falls
The Marble Falls Clean-up event offers two options.
From April 18-22, bulk items of up to four cubic yards, correctly placed on the city easement by 7 a.m. on scheduled trash days will be picked up curbside.
From Monday-Sunday, April 16-24, between 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Marble Falls residents also will be able to drop off bulk items at 2000 Colt Circle (next to MFISD Administrative Offices). Tires are not accepted, as are other certain items.
The entire schedule for Marble Falls is posted on the city website, www.ci.marble-falls.tx.us and calls for information should be directed to Republic Services at 830-693-3513.
In Marble Falls, entire neighborhoods are encouraged to shoot for the 2016 Community Spring Clean Beautification Award. Nominations for the award, co-sponsored by the City of Marble Falls and Republic Services, may be made on an application in the “From Center” of the city website: www.marblefallstx.gov. The nominations are due May 20 and the winner will be announced June 16.
Granite Shoals
The Granite Shoals Citywide Spring Clean Up will take place on the Saturday after the April 23-24 Granite Shoals 50th Year Bash, that is Saturday, April 30.
From 8 a.m.-noon refuse should be delivered through the entrance to city hall, 2221 North Phillips Ranch Road, to dumpsters the municipal complex.
For a disposal fee of $3 each some tires (without rims) will be accepted.
Full details are available on the city website, www.graniteshoals.org, or by calling city hall, 830-598-2424.
Granite Shoals offers free curbside pick up of bulk items twice a week by calling Republic Services at 693-3513.
Burnet County
National Prescription Take-Back Day will be observed by the Burnet County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) with an event on Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on the Burnet County Courthouse Square.
The Burnet Drug Take-Back Day is broad. To prevent drugs entering water supplies or landfills, where they cannot be extracted, or falling into improper use, prescription and non-prescription drugs, expired, unused or unwanted, may be delivered, no questions asked. Sharps containers will be available for syringes delivered to the BCSO trailer on Jackson Street.
For more information, call 512-756-8080 or visit the website www.dea.gov.
2016 Burnet County Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection will be held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on the Marble Falls High School stadium's visitor parking lot, accessed by the Manzano Mile off Ranch to Market Road 1431.
The event is for residents of Burnet County and the City of Horseshoe Bay only. A long list of items considered too hazardous for citywide cleanups or judged so by the Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District but acceptable at the HHW.
Among all the chemicals and electronics allowed, up to 10 tires per household, up to 24 inches without rims, will be accepted without fee, and more for $2 per tire.
No industrial, commercial or business waste will be accepted. And hazardous materials not allowed are compact fluorescent bulbs (accepted at Home Depot), agricultural pesticides and chemicals, propane cylinders over 30 pounds, wooden TV/electronics consoles, explosives and the medical/pharmaceutical items allowed at the Burnet Drug Take-Back Day.
A flier describing the event is posted on the Burnet County Website, www.burnetcounty.org and questions may be directed to Precinct 4 Commissioner Joe Don Dockery, 512,512-715-2911 or Marble Falls Fire Marshal Johnny Caraway 830-693-4060.
As with the Granite Shoals event, the HHW, is being funded in part by Partially funded by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) through the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG). Citizens are invited to join the many local business, government and municipal sponsors through Adopt-A-Barrel.
The cost is approximately $250 a barrel to properly dispose of HHW.
A Limited Household Bulk Collection will be offered from 8 a.m.-noon on April 30 by Kingsland Municipal Utility District (KMUD) and Kingsland Water Supply Corporation (KWSC) for their members in Llano and Burnet Counties.
The collection site is the Llano County Annex, 8347 Ranch to Market Road 1431, near the intersection with Texas 29.
All KMUD and KWSC customers are included in this cleanup. It does not include hazardous waste and many other items typical of clean-up events. It is called a “limited” collection because the event of a larger scope is scheduled annually in the fall; this year on October 8.
Among bulk items that will be accepted, such as couches and mattresses, are tires of up to 24-inch diameter without rims. That would be tires accumulated around customers homes. No commercially collected tires will be accepted.
For complete details about materials that will be accepted, call Cristy Vaught 325-247-2039, or Sharon Maki, 512-970-3562.
KMUD offers some year-round recycling features for RV sewage, oil and filters, old tires and household recyclables, except glass. Details and any fees can be found at the websit www.kingslandmud.com.
“We do regularly accept brush from anyone,” said KMUD General Manager Anita LaBier. “The Diamond Dirt Compost we produce is available by the bag at the KMUD office for $3.50 each.”
KMUD adopted its new brush and compost procedures a few years back. Brush is accepted 8 a.m.-noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Compost is available 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
A receipt must be presented on arrival, so a stop at KMUD offices at 100 Ingram Street, is necessary. A customer has 30 minutes to proceed to the recycle station.
Mulch is free but KMUD's homegrown compost (Diamond Dirt) is $12.50 per bobcat bucket (1/2 cubic yard). The brush dumping fee is $2.50 per cubic yard for up to 50 cubic yards or $5 per cubic yard for over 50 cubic yards.
KMUD customers also can take advantage of a recycling trailer that has been moved to the corner of Bob and Rose Hill streets, behind Packsaddle Motel, 2919 Ranch to Market Road 1431. The trailer is provided as a courtesy through the nonprofit Llano County Special Opportunities School, which hires mentally challenged adults. Proceeds from the sale of the trailer collections support between 20—25 adults who work 4-6 hours at a time and reduces strain on landfills.
No glass is accepted, but recycling is offered for metal and aluminum cans, paper, cardboard, and plastic bottles numbered 1 and 2. The schedule for the trailer in Kingsland and at the Llano County annex is posted on kingslandmud.com and more information is available from Hill Country Recycling, 830-693-3667.
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