CDPP grants giving civic support






Small ceremonies for the presentation of a grants are about to make a big difference in Marble Falls, Granite Shoals, Cottonwood Shores and Llano.

Presentations are set today, Wednesday, April 20, for 3:30 p.m. in Marble Falls, 4 p.m. in in Granite Shoals, and tomorrow, Thursday, April 21, at 11 a.m. in Llano and 1 p.m. in Cottonwood Shores. The grants are being made through the Community Development Partnership Program (CDPP) of the Lower Colorado River Authoritiy (LCRA) and the Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC).

The Marble Falls Area Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will receive a $22,256 grant from at the EMS station, 609 Industrial Boulevard in Marble Falls. It will be used to provide to purchase state-of-the-art CPR equipment for the EMS command vehicle.

Granite Shoals will receive a $23,000 grant at city hall, 2221 North Phillips Ranch Road in Granite Shoals. It will be used used to purchase a new water catchment system for the city hall complex and Quarry Park.

  The Llano County Historical Society, 310 Bessemer Avenue, will receive an $18,096 grant to be used to purchase new heating and air conditioning units, ventilation and lighting.

The City of Cottonwood Shores, 3808 Cottonwood Drive, will receive a $19,100 grant for the purchase of a new police patrol vehicle.

The LCRA and its electric and water customers provide grants for community projects of local governments and nonprofit organizations to fund capital improvement projects. Emphasis is placed on projects that include energy efficiency and water conservation and education, volunteer fire departments, and public safety organizations that have been impacted by wildfires and the extreme drought conditions.

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