Sunday service caps Granite Shoals 50th Year Bash



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Some 300 members of the community of faith of the Highland Lakes gather on the steps of Granite Shoals City Hall Sunday, April 24, for a joint service of thanksgiving and hope that capped the Granite Shoals 50th Year Bash.

Churches in Granite Shoals sat empty Sunday morning, April 24. More than 300 of their members were gathered for a community-wide service on the steps of city hall. The climax of the Granite Shoals 50th Year Bash to celebrate the past was a gathering in of faith in the future of the city. Children were at the forefront of the event, applauded for their music and praised for their work as volunteers throughout the year to entertain their churches and the elderly. The worship service followed on the heels of the Saturday festival that went on into the night, thanks to extra performers who took the stage before a final jam session with john Arthur martinez and Tejas. It was estimated that more than 2,000 visitors took part in the event.

The Granite Shoals Faith Alliance organized a service that was well attended in October to honor first responders, but this event was the first joint Sunday service for the community. Members of the alliance include the Revs. Donna Shaw of Grace United Methodist Church and its former pastor Tommy Tucker, Tomas Dominguez of Primera Iglesia Baptista Calvario of Granite Shoals, Mike Mitchell of Granite Fellowship, Ray Keasler of Abundant Heart Ministries and Roy and Mary Lou Guerrero of Joseph’s Food Pantry and Jesus the Divine Teacher Ministries.

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