FRWC hear TRC convention report, host Constitutional scholar Ferguson



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Falls Republican Women Club officers stand with May's guest speaker, Denise Ferguson. From left, they are Deborah Smith, Gayln Woerner, Ferguson, Ed Schuler, Cynthia Fair and Bobi Klaeger.

The Falls Republican Women Club met on May 24 at the Hidden Falls Restaurant in Meadowlakes. Club president Gayln Woerner opened the meeting with a report on the Texas State Republican Party Convention.

"I'm a better person now that I've experienced that political process first-hand," said Woerner. "I'd like to see this club double in membership so that we can better educate our community on that process."

Woerner then introduced the featured guest speaker, Denise Ferguson.

Ferguson was ordained as a chaplain in October 2014, and is also a ertified U.S. Constitutionalist. The topic of Ferguson's speech was “The Original Intent of the Constitution.”

"The role of government is to secure and protect our God-given rights," she said. "The Founding Fathers believed the Bible was very important, so much so that 30 percent of the constitution comes straight out of the Bible."

Ferguson discussed events that surrounded the drafting of the founding documents of the United States during the original Constitutional Convention between May and September 1787.

"When things got too contentious during that long, hot summer, the delegates would break for church and often read from the Bible," said Ferguson.

She pointed to several articles in the original Constitution that have changed since it was adopted. The two U.S. Senators from each state were originally appointed by that state's legislature. The 17th Amendment changed that system when it was ratified in 1913. There was also no provision for the direct taxing of citizens or a set number of Supreme Court Justices in the original document, she said.

"I encourage you to read the Constitution and talk to all candidates during every election," said Ferguson. "Educate yourself and find out where your elected officials stand on the issues." She has served on the board of the Republican Women of Kerr County and has been a delegate to the Republican State Convention and was a Texas Federation of Republican Women patron.

Ferguson teaches a 12 week biblically based course on the U. S. Constitution in Kerrville and is planning to start a class in Burnet County this summer. Anyone interested in attending the classes is encouraged to call Gloria Blanton at 512-554-4733 or email: for more information.


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