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Burnet County eateries make national menu




Named one of the top 11 places to try a hamburger; Parade Magazine named Trailblazer Grille as the place to try in Texas besides Old Dave’s in Athens, Texas.
Written by Tamara Bolton, a writer for the magazine, wrote in late May about national burger day and included Trailblazer Grille in Burnet as one of the 10 must-visit hamburger joints across the country.
“I was a little shocked and very humbling. There are some great burger places in the country and for us to be in the top 10 is quite an honor,” said Trace Catlin, owner of Trailblazer Grille.
Following in the footsteps of Parade magazine, writer Melissa Gaskill included an article in the Texas Highway magazine gushing over Trailblazer Grille chicken potpie.
“I knew people were loving our pot pie because it have been our best seller for over a year now, just surprising to see a story written about it in such a great magazine as Texas Highways,” said Catlin.
If there was not enough praise for Trailblazer from local and out of town families, TripAdvisor presented the Burnet restaurant with a certificate of excellence award for 2016.
In order to qualify for a certificate of excellence from TripAdvisor, a business must maintain an overall TripAdvisor bubble rating of at least four out of five, have a minimum number of reviews and must have been listed on TripAdvisor for at least 12 months.
“Again, it’s an honor and very humbling,” said Catlin.
“We know many people love our food and restaurant but like all restaurants we make mistakes and it always seems like those the ones that go online and review us. To be honored by Trip Adviser takes some of the sting out of the not so good reviews. We certainly do love seeing the great reviews on there,”
Trailblazer Grille is not the only one getting the attention of media throughout the state of Texas after Bill’s Burgers Wings and Things made the list of Texas Monthly magazines “50 best burgers”.
Texas Monthly, known for their rating of different venues and restaurants, has been directing people where to find the best burgers all over Texas for the last seven years.
“We are very honored to be chosen for this list,” said Max Cardenas, owner of Bill’s Burgers Wings and things.
“It has been one of our career goals to be mentioned in Texas Monthly,” said Cardenas.
“It was also something Max Sr. (my dad) talked about often and I know he would be proud of us; that means a lot to me,”
The magazine noting Bill’s as the only place in Burnet for a delicious burger released their picks on Wednesday, July 20.
Marking Bill’s single cheeseburger as more than enough to fill an appetite also included skipping the fries and grabbing a side order of fried pickles with house-made ranch.
“We take a lot of pride in our food being fresh and homemade,” said Cardenas.
“From hand pressed hamburger patties to signature wing sauces to the best hand dipped onion rings ever we have something for everyone,”
“We love being a part of our community and treating everyone who comes in as family,” said Cardenas.
For someone who would like to try these tasty cuisines themselves, Trailblazer Grille is located at 216 South Main Street, on the Historic Square and Bill’s is located at 306 West Polk Street. In Marble Falls Bill's servers up equally fine fare in Old Oak Square, 307 Main Street.

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