Fiesta Dance set for Saturday



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James Scott and Rita Baier change partners at the Country Cuzzins Square Dance Club weekly meeting July 28 in Marble Falls. Baier and her regular partner Charlie Taylor have just returned from the National Square Dance Association meeting in DesMoins, Iowa, and testify to the fun and travel club membership offers.

Country Cuzzins, a Highland Lakes area square dance club, will hold its annual Fiesta Dance Saturday, Aug. 6 at the Boys & Girls Club of the Highland Lakes, 1701 Broadway Street, in Marble Falls.
“It is a great night for all our members,” said square dancer Charlie Taylor. “But everyone is welcome. It is a good chance for someone who is interested to see what it's all about. We have a lot of fun.”
Taylor and his partner in the square Rita Baier are just back from the National Square Dance Association event in Des Moins, Iowa, June 23-26.
“Square dancers do a lot of traveling and we meet new people all the time,” said Taylor. “In DesMoins there were 4,000 dancers from 15 countries, all there to square dance. The floor was huge—eight people in a square and 80 squares at a time.
“We're off to Bandera next.”
The Country Cuzzins Square Dance Club was formed in 1978 and, while they have enjoyed more than one venue along the Colorado River, members now meet 7-9 p.m. every Thursday at Marble Falls First United Methodist Church, 1101 Bluebonnet Drive.
The Fiesta Dance dinner on Saturday will begin at 6 p.m. and then caller and cuer, Wayne Weston, will begin the action. Pre-rounds will be 6:30-7 p.m. and mainstream will be 7-9 p.m.
Dress is casual, but visitors always find some on the floor in traditional square dance attire. The cost is $12.50 per person for the fajita meal.
For more information, visit the club website,, or contact Debbie Delosua, 830-265-0090 or

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