Lumbert showing signs of progress after injuries

Contributed/Eric Debris
Scott Lumbert survived this crash of his top fuel hydro drag boat "Spirit of Texas" at LakeFest on Sunday, Aug. 14, and he is still hospitalized at University Medical Center Brackenridge Hospital in Austin.
By Christi Bertelson
Highland Lakes Newspapers
Scott Lumbert is showing signs of progress after injuries sustained during the boat races at LakeFest on Sunday, Aug. 14, according to his wife Lynn.
“Scott is showing progress; it is baby steps and we still have a long road, but we are celebrating each success,” said Lynn via social media.
“Today they did a tracheotomy, hoping to wean him off the ventilator gradually over time. Scott, being the strong man he is, is breathing on his own right off the start.
“I wanted to thank everyone for all their prayers. You all are amazing, Please continue with all the prayers. Because of your prayers and support, I know Scott and I are not facing this journey alone. Thank you.”
Lumbert sustained critical injuries after his Top Fuel Hydro drag boat, “Spirit of Texas,” caught fire and splintered during the last race. Lumbert’s sister, Missy Lumbert-Gregorio, had stated it was thought Lumbert had suffered an upper arm fracture as well as other injuries, but updating via social media from the UMC Brackenridge Level 1 Trauma Center, Lumbert-Gregorio said the doctors had determined the upper arm fracture was false.
“We were happy to hear he does not have a broken arm, but he does have a fractured nose and cervical and thoracic spine fractures,” said Lumbert-Gregorio. “Sedation meds have been lowered and he is breathing before the ventilator, but will remain on the vent at this time.
“We just really need him to wake up now, but know he needs this time to heal,” said Lumbert-Gregorio.
She went on to address the many prayers, thoughts, calls and messages the family has received since the accident.
“We can not thank everyone enough for the prayers and thoughts. Keep them coming.”