Coffee with the Mayor date change



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A Correction has been noted. The City of Marble Falls has announced Coffee with the Mayor events will begin Friday Sept. 16.

The City of Marble Falls has announced a change in a series Coffee with the Mayor events. They will begin Friday morning, Sept. 16, bright and early--7-8 a.m.--with still more to be announced.

The public is invited to "have a cup of coffee" with Marble Falls Mayor John Packer at Numinous Coffee Roasters, 714 Ranch to Market Road 1431 in Marble Falls.

The city announced the free come-and-go event and more to come on Friday, Sept. 9 as an opportunity to: "come share your thoughts and ideas about your community and hear about some of the new projects in the city."

“I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet one-on-one with our residents and learn about the issues that are important to them,” said Packer.

For citizens who have wished they had the time or freedom from family commitments to attend city council meetings, a pause for morning coffee may be the way to ask the questions that have been on their minds. Every council meeting provides an point on the agenda for public comment, but the council is not allowed to engage in a discussion that isn't spelled out on the agenda. Coffee with the Mayor may turn out to be a good place to have that exchange and a lot has gone on this year to consider.

The Marble Falls City Council on Tuesday, Sept. 6, approved the new city budget and citizens may want to know more about how money will be spent in the coming year. But the council and city staff have been in lengthy and continuing deliberation over the distribution of utility fee increases that must total a minimum of 17 percent to support close to $8 million in infrastructure project bonds. Those water and wastewater fee hikes and a revision of the Land Use Ordinance that is about to begin may spark some of the questions Packer fields.

As mayor, Packer frequently brings forward information from community forums, surveys and conversations and asks the council to consider matters that may become important in the long view. Citizens may want to know how such discussions have played out. For example, the council recently set aside recommendations for an ordinance to protect the city's tree canopy and heritage trees and declined to pursue regulations to support dark skies.


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