First responders called to action Sunday

At the close of the annual 9/11 Day of Remembrance ceremonies Sunday, first responders are called into action to revive the senior member of the color guard from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10376. Lloyd Crippen was rushed to Seton Highland Lakes Hospital, where he was revived in short order with treatment for dehydration, according to District Commander Bob Hanson.
First responders may have been the honorees at the the Marble Falls Rotary Club's 15th Annual 9/11 Day of Remembrance, but they still were on duty.
One fire rescue team was called out during the ceremony and as the final notes of closing music were sounding a call for help was shouted from the back of the crowd.
Emergency medical technicians and fire rescue members rush to the aid of the senior member of the color guard from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10376. Lloyd Crippen's condition was assessed and he was rushed to Seton Highland Lakes Hospital.
VFW District Commander Bob Hanson said Crippen he was revived in short order and was released when responded within a few hours to treatment for dehydration.