Horseshoe Bay boil water notice rescinded

The temporary notice to boil water was issued when a routine sample collected on Cats Eye Street was coliform positive on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Additional required repeat sampling of that site as well as samples from upstream and downstream revealed the original site and the upstream sample were clear of contamination. However, the sample downstream was positive for coliform bacteria and E. coli. Another round of repeat samples were taken to the lab Saturday for 24-hour analysis before the announcement today, Sunday, Sept. 25.
Presence of bacteria in even on test triggers what the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) terms an acute MCL violation, referring to a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for total trihalomethanes. A water system is required to submit a minimum of nine water samples each month for bacteriological analysis and additional samples must be collected when routine monthly samples indicate the presence of coliform bacteria.
The City of Horseshoe Bay, Public Water Supply (PWS) ID# 1500015, water system collected 2 water samples during September 2016 that contained fecal coliform/E. coli bacteria.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact Steve Hawley at 830-613-8974.