MFHS Ex-Student Reunion honors the 6's

The Marble Falls High School Class of 1966 is pictured inside the front cover of the The Mustang school annual. All classes of years ending the number "6" will be special honorees of the MFHS Ex-Students Reunion Saturday, Oct 15, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The Class of '66 will go on to their own event 2-6 p.m.
By Glynis Crawford Smith
The Highlander
Former students of Marble Falls High School are making their reservations for their big MFHS Ex-Students Reunion on Saturday, Oct. 15, but the spotlight will be on the 6'es—every class graduating in a year ending in the number 6.
The graduating class of 1966 will be one of those and they are planning something special for their 50th reunion.
The main event will begin at 10 a.m. in the high school cafeteria, with cookies, coffee, lemonade and old friends and former teachers, sharing pictures and memories and snapping new shots for 21st Century-style sharing.
A catered fajita lunch will be served for $15 and reservations should be placed in advance to guarantee a meal.
Once the ex-students event ends at 1 p.m., the class of 1966 will relocate to the Holiday Inn Express, 714 Corazon Drive, for their 50-year class reunion from 2 -6 p.m.
“Everyone graduating with the class of 1966 or who may have attended school, at some point, with this class is encouraged to attend,” said Karen Naumann Lacy. “We don't want to miss anyone.”
For more information or to RSVP, call Lacy at 830-613-6536.
Any proceeds from the morning event will support scholarships for new graduates. At 1 p.m., a drawing will be held for a custom “Bluebonnet Pendant” from Salem's Jewelry. Tickets are $1 or six for $5. A silent auction will be going on and items are still being sought. To donate, call Sharon Lewis, 512-645-4034. To make a lunch reservation, a check made payable to “M.F. Ex-Students Assoc.” should be mailed to P.O. Box 194, Spicewood, TX.
Ex-Students also are invited to join in one of the informal get-togethers former Marble Falls schoolmates have been having for the last few months. One is scheduled Oct. 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Francesco's Italian Restaurant, 701 US 281.
Rose Metzler has invited anyone wanting to sit with the group for the Homecoming Game at 7:30 p.m. to email her,, to make the arrangements.