Double Horn Reunion to be held Saturday
Contributed/Jean Denniston Eades
Residents of the Rockvale Community gather for an early record of what continues today as an annual Double Horn – Rockvale Reunion. This year it takes place Saturday, July 39, at the Marble Falls Church of Christ.
The annual Double Horn – Rockvale Reunion will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 29, at the Church of Christ, 711 Broadway Street in Marble Falls.
The two communities that grew up southeast of Marble Falls, beginning in the 1850's, first thrived and then diminished over the decades, but a sense of community brings about 100 residents, old and new, together each year.
The surviving Double Horn School House was a longtime gathering place, but over the years air conditioning and ease of access have brought it to town.
“People just bring a covered dish and we all share lunch and memories,” said Jean Denniston Eades, a descendant of an early Rockvale family.
Thirteen families settled the neighbor communities, but residents and friends from any age are welcome.
For more information, contact Eades, 512-592-0125.