Living Love shelter makes Plus Ten Puppies appeal

Living Love Animal Rescue, already bursting with cats and dogs looking for new homes, has taken on most of a 14-puppy litter and now a fund has been established to care for them until the Lab-mix heart melters can find homes. The Clear the Shelters campaign is in full swing and adoptions now could help answer that call.
By Glynis Crawford Smith
The Highlander
The volunteers of Living Love Animal Rescue in south Burnet County went above and beyond their previous commitments this month when they made room for more than 10 animals at once.
The shelter already was full to bursting with 20 dogs and close to 100 cats. A recording at the shelter already announced that the shelter was full when a call came in that set a new challenge.
A woman in tears said her dog had delivered 14 pups and she had no resources to care for them.
Shelter manager Rosalie Brosh and volunteer Kelley Whited traveled to the woman's home thinking they might come away with two puppies and an agreement to have the mother dog spayed.
"We asked to see the pups and the lady brought out a pan of food to draw them out and out they came, covered in fleas and sores,” said Brosh. “There were 10, and it was clear that there was no hope
whatsoever for these poor babies.
"If we only took two, what would happen to the others? Pictures of the suffering that lay ahead for the ones left behind raced through our minds.”
The load of squirming Lab-mix puppies, some black and white and some tan needed care, vaccinations and forever homes as quickly as possible. There seemed to be no option but to load all the squirming puppies into their van.
Now the shelter has an emergency need for donations for their care and adoption.
Living Love Animal Rescue is a no-kill, all volunteer shelter with the mission to ease the suffering of homeless dogs and cats in the Highland Lakes area and to help solve the problem of unwanted animals.
"The suffering borne by homeless animals is only part of the problem. Homeless, unneutered animals can proliferate at enormous rates, causing an endless loop of suffering for the animals as well as the community,,” said Claire Edwards, President of Living Love Animal Rescue. "An important part of our mission is to decrease the number of homeless animals through aggressive adoption and spay/neuter efforts.
"It is a community problem that should be addressed by the community, through education and through donations to facilities like ours who face the situation head on. We depend on the community to help us with financial as well as volunteer support so that we can complete our mission.”
The shelter has established the Plus Ten Puppy Fund especially for this project.
"These 10 puppies, blessed as we are to have saved them from the ravages of a life in the wild, will put a strain on our resources,” said Edwards. “I am asking that the members of our community step forward to whatever degree they can, and donate to the care of these beautiful babies.
“The puppies are clean, well fed and are being vaccinated, spayed or neutered before going to their forever homes.
“It is an expensive proposition and I ask that everyone take part in this wonderful lifesaving project by donating to the Plus Ten Puppies fund."
All donations can be sent to Living Love Animal Rescue, Plus Ten Puppies Fund, P.O. Box 1266, Marble Falls, TX 78654.
For information about adoption, volunteering or donating more broadly to their cause, call or text Brosh at 210-827-2380.