Marble Falls Library celebrates 20th year on Main Street
By Glynis Crawford Smith
The Highlander
Gov. Gregg Abbott, in addition to his proclamation of Oct. 1-7 as Power Up Your Library Week in Texas, officially recognized the 20th Anniversary of the Marble Falls Public Library in its home at 101 Main Street.
The library will be closed Sept. 21-29 for new renovations and it will reopen to the flurry of preparations for a week of 20th anniversary events.
“We are super excited,” said library director Amanda Rose. “Every day from Monday, Oct. 2 through Friday, Oct. 6, something special will be going on inside the library.
That first day will be Children's Day.
“Lollypop the Clown will put on magic shows and lead two parades through the library, one for pre-schoolers, and one after school for older kids,”said Rose.
Librarians Day will be celebrated Tuesday, Oct. 3. Former librarians from all walks of life will be treated to an invitational luncheon for fellowship and presentations. Jane Knapik, PhD, will lead a forum of past directors of the Marble Falls Library, adding their own oral history to the story of the library.
Wednesday, Oct. 4, will be a smorgasbord for readers: Authors Day.
Authors will be chatting with patrons, signing and selling copies of their books. To name just a few, they will include Ben Rehder and his mother Helen Sanick, Monte Akers, W.C. Jameson and Susan Rogers Cooper.
“We will be posting more information about the day and the authors who will be visiting us on the library website,,” said Rose. “Visitors will not only get to meet the authors, but all through the library will be silent auction items from local businesses.”
Thrift Store Day is Thursday, Oct. 5, a time to recognize all the volunteers and employees of the shop operated by Friends of the Marble Falls Library at 300 Avenue J.
“We will be honoring them in the library community room,” said Rose.
The Big Celebration will be the 20th anniversary finale on Friday, Oct. 6.
“Charles Hundley, the former superintendent of the Marble Falls Independent School District and the husband of former board member Patty Hundley, will be the keynote speaker,” said Rose. “The Hill Country Community Band will play and the Veterans of Foreign Wars will participate.”