Dig LUAS Archeology Fair Saturday

The Llano Uplift Archeological Society (LUAS) will host their annual Archeology Fair on Saturday. March 24, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the LCRA Nightengale Archaeological Center in Kingsland. The event is free.
Visitors will be able to see how the original Hill Country inhabitants lived. LUAS members will conduct guided tours along our interpretive trail. The onsite museum will be open for visitors to see artifacts which are thousands of years old.
They'll be able to practice their skills using ancient hunting devices such as the 'atlatl' and rabbit sticks. They may even bring their own artifacts for experts to identify.
This year LUAS will have several other regional and state archeology groups joining them. The Texas Archeological Society, Travis County Archeological Society, Hill County Archeology Association (Kerrville), and LCRA Archeology Division will set up exhibit tables.
Their members will also be available to answer any questions. A knapping demonstration is planned to show how ancient stone tools were made. Dependent on staffing needs, the Gault School of Archaological Research at Texas State University may also be represented.
TxDOT has also provided a limited number of nice four-color posters for free distribution. Posters wlll be available while the supply lasts.
The Nightengale Archaeological Center is located in Twin Isles subdivision at 1010 Circle Drive. The entrance to Twin Isles subdivision is off RM 1431, approximately nine miles west of Marble Falls.
Directional signs are located at the subdivision entrance and at each tum after entering the subdivision.
A map may be found at texasluas.org
LUAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. LUAS conducts monthly meetings at the Nightengale Center at 7 p.m. each second Tuesday of each month. For more information go to texasluas.org.