Officials say Llano intersection needs improving
Llano County Commissioner Mike Sandoval is worried about traffic on Chamberlain Street in Kingsland (behind the white car in photo), so he wants to make it one-way headed away from Ranch Road 1431 (where the white car is). Sandoval said he hopes to bring the matter to a public hearing before commissioners at their regular meeting on Monday, June 24. The intersection has streets converging from six different directions and is adjacent to a bank ATM machine, which Sandoval says is a recipe for a bad accident.
Llano County Precinct 3 Commissioner Mike Sandoval hopes by June 25 to have started a process to make a Kingsland intersection safer.
Sandoval explained the process to a crowd of around 60 at a precinct town hall meeting on Tiesdau, May 29. He’s referring to where Ranch Road 1431, Altman Street and Chamberlain Street all come together, making what he calls an extremely dangerous intersection.
There, traffic from a bank ATM fights other traffic turning from and to the ranch road.
“We’re going to have a major, major accident there,” Sandoval said.
His solution: Make Chamberlain Street, which abuts the ATM, one way away from Ranch Road 1431 the one block to Reynolds Street, avoiding traffic trying to exit the bank and then turn onto the major highway. The rest of Chamberlain Street would be unaffected. The other street at the intersection, Altman Street, wouldn’t be affected either.
The first step will be a public hearing, which Sandoval plans to get on the agenda for the June 25 commissioners court meeting. The hearing will give anyone who wants to express an opinion about the chance to do so.
He said once the change is approved it will simply be a matter of striping the street and putting up “one way” signs – and driver education.