Walkway of Lights to end sooner in 2018 but still “magical” after flood-delayed start

Connie Swinney/The Highlander
The Walkway of Lights in Lakeside Park in Marble Falls will be on a shortened timeline and end on Dec. 26 due to work set to began on the city's parks improvement plan.
By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer
Recent flooding issues have failed to deter plans for the Walkway of Lights, however, a Marble Falls city parks improvement project will place the Christmas lighting display on a shorter timeline, officials said.
A Pedernales Electric Cooperative crew began work Nov. 5 on utility installation of the Lakeside Park lighting trail, hosted by the Marble Falls/Lake LBJ Chamber of Commerce.
“We had to wait for the park to dry out a little bit,” said Chamber Events Coordinator Brandi Payne. “Obviously the park was saturated, and that put us off from getting down here (to start erecting the display). There's a little bit of delay, but we're going to make it work.”
The night-time display – which features sculptures, lighted Christmas trees and photo opportunities with Santa Claus – is scheduled from Nov. 16 to Dec. 26.
“The last night open will be the day after Christmas,” Payne said. “We are closing early this year due to the upcoming parks improvements.”
The city of Marble Falls' parks plans include removing the Lakeside Park tennis and basketball courts, adjacent to the area of the display, and in the long-term re-locating the public swimming pool.
Officials say the removal of the public amenities would not only provide room for an expanded Walkway display in the future but augment a public-private partnership involving a planned hotel/conference center adjacent to Lake Marble Falls.
“There will be construction down here, down by the lake,” Payne said.
Another change to Walkway includes the trail configuration.
“The walkway is a different lay out, but it's still going to be a magical Walkway of Lights,” she said.
The lighting display launches at dusk following the Main Street Lighting Parade Nov. 16. The display is open from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. each evening weather permitting.
For more information, call the chamber office at 830-693-2815 or to volunteer, email brandi@marblefalls.org.