Marble Falls/Lake LBJ chamber executive director resigns

By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer
The Marble Falls/Lake LBJ Chamber of Commerce will be seeking new leadership following the resignation announcement by the entity's executive director.
On Dec. 10, Patti Zinsemeyer submitted her letter of resignation to the chamber members.
“It is with great sadness and gratitude for her years of service that we announce the resignation of Patti Zinsmeyer,” the announcement read. She has spent her tenure “giving everything she could to make our wonderful spot in the Hill Country a better place.”
Her resignation is effective Dec. 31.
Zinsmeyer worked for the chamber for nearly five years, first as tourism director and then in the top leadership position.
“It's been very exciting. I've met a lot of talented and interesting people. I've made a lot of new friends. I have a huge respect for those who can deal with change,” she said. “That's what Marble Falls is all about. It's ever evolving and it's for the good.”
Zinsmeyer started her tourism-related career in the area with the Llano Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau eight year ago.
After she made the move to the Marble Falls area, she coordinated a number of improvements and guided the entity through exciting new ventures as well as challenging transitions.
Her efforts involved spearheading the upgrade of the Marble Falls Walkway of Lights to primarily LED displays; Updating the chamber budget year process to coincide with the fiscal year system of local city and county governments; and changing the entity's dues structure, effective in October, to reflect participation status.
During her tenure, the community also saw the end to the Lakefest dragboat race series, which had been featured in August on Lake Marble Falls for several decades.
“That was a gut-wrenching process to go through and still keep the chamber above water,” she said.
She said her most rewarding experiences involved participating in the improvements of all aspects of the chamber, which serves southern Burnet County and the Horseshoe Bay area.
“I have high regard for those who are right in the middle of dealing with all the change,” she said.
Chamber officials expect to find a replacement possibly as early as the first week in January.
“I'll help with the transition . . . operating from a part-time position,” she said. “I have a fantastic staff. I was humbled by their response.
“I'm going to be involved until the next person come a long,” she added.
As for her future, Zinsmeyer says she will stay close to home.
“I'm not moving anywhere,” she said. “I'm going to have some down time be a grandma, and see what that brings.
She and her husband Charlie, who is a private pilot, will do some traveling together too.
“I've been humbled by the response I've gotten by people who found out,” she said. “I'll miss everyone, and I really enjoyed my time here.”
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