Marble Falls postpones swimming pool opening until 2020

Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Marble Falls city officials decided to skip the summer 2019 municipal pool season and wait until 2020 to re-open the facility to clear the way for completion of Lakeside Park upgrades and additional amenities.
By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer
Due to construction-related safety concerns during on-going Lakeside Park upgrades, the city of Marble Falls will postpone the municipal pool season until 2020.
“The primary concern is safety,” Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Director Robert Moss said.
The public pool season is June 1 to August 17. However, a multi-million dollar upgrade project is underway in Johnson Park and the Lakeshore boat ramp as well as in Lakeside Park.
“If there is any construction going on there whatsoever with the kids and the daycare and everybody coming in and out, it's just not a safe situation – not smart at all,” Moss said. “It was just decision-point time. We had to make that call.”
Staffing as well as timing could become a potential issue. Myers Construction contract deadline for the Lakeside Park project is Aug. 15.
“If the contractor would run through the end of their contract period which ends Aug. 15, we would have two days left in the season,” Moss said. . . .
Find the rest of this story in the Friday, May 3 issue of The Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a comment or news tip, email