Salute for service takes place at Texas Ranger Memorial Cross dedication

Nathan Hendrix/The Highlander
Members of the Sons of the Republic of Texas delivered the Black Powder Salute during the Texas Ranger Memorial Cross Dedication Saturday, June 22 at Bethel Cemetery in Burnet County. The ceremony honored the lives of Texas Rangers Hugh McCoy, Archibald McCoy and Erwin O. Kleen. Dannie Crawford and Malcolm Young placed also decorative wreaths near the headstone of Texas Ranger Hugh McCoy prior to the dedication. Ramiro “Ray” Martinez, director of Former Texas Rangers Association, was one of the guest speakers at the dedication. He led attendees in reciting the Ranger prayer, which reads as follows:
O God, whose end is justice,
whose strength is all our stay,
be near and bless my mission
as I go forth today.
Let wisdom guide my actions,
let courage fill my heart
and help me Lord, in every hour
to do a Ranger's part.Protect when danger threatens,
sustain when trails are rough;
help me to keep my standard high
and smile at each rebuff.
When night comes down upon me,
I pray the Lord be nigh.
Whenever on lonely scout, or camped,
under the Texas sky.
Keep me, o God in line
and when my days shall end,
forgive my sins and take me in,
for Jesus sake, Amen.
Find more photos of the event in the Tuesday, June 25 issue of The Highlander. To offer a comment or news tip, email To subscribe, call 830-693-4367.