Marble Falls seeking match grants for bridge projects

Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Avenue N features one of the flood-prone, low-water crossings in which city staff is seeking grant funding for a bridge project.
By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer
Marble Falls City Council approved applying for matching grants funding two bridge crossing projects and a crossing emergency warning system to mitigate issues on city streets prone to flooding.
The FEMA grant request –- involving proposed bridges at low-water crossings on Avenue N and Nature Heights – was made Nov. 5 by Marble Falls Fire Rescue Chief Russell Sander during the regular meeting.
“This is money that's provided to the community to prevent hazards or mitigate hazards in the future,” Sander told council members. . . .
Find the rest of this story in the Tuesday, Nov. 12 issue of The Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a comment or news tip, email To subscribe to the newspaper, call 830-693-4367 or click here to subscribe to the e-Edition online.