US 281 improvements to extend south of Texas 71

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Burnet County and TxDOT received funding through its safety grant program to extend construction on U.S. 281 (seen here in February) to south of Texas 71 to widen existing lanes and shoulders and add a left-turn lane.
Special to The Highlander
Safety improvements to U.S. 281, between Texas 71 and the Burnet County and Blanco County line, are being accelerated by a year, thanks to grant funding secured by the Texas Department of Transportation.
The work will add wider travel lanes, a continuous center-turn lane and paved shoulders, enhancing safety along the high-speed roadway. The improvements were set to begin in late 2021, but TxDOT, working in coordination with Burnet County, secured safety funds to accelerate the project by a year. Construction is now anticipated to begin in winter 2020. …
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