Marble Falls approves park finance fix, July 4 fireworks show

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City officials vowed to host the 2020 Marble Falls Community Fireworks Celebration, purchased a previously-leased barge for the pyrotechnics over Lake Marble Falls and placed a down payment on the fireworks. Among discussions for the is how to handle crowds, potentially using “social distancing” guidelines.
By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer
Marble Falls City Council members narrowly passed approval of additional funding and budget adjustments for upgrades, new amenities and repair projects for a phase 1A parks package, during the April 21 regular meeting.
In a comprehensive packaged financing proposal, Parks Director Lacy Dingman also asked for funding to purchase a previously-rented barge for the pyrotechnics launches during the community Fourth of July celebration along with a $50,000 down payment for the fireworks. The barge cost was approximately $35,000. …
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