DPS identifies victims in Texas 71 crash

The aftermath of a fatality accident on Texas 71 Monday morning leaves law enforcement trying to piece together the facts. Ominous clouds befit the solemn demeanor of first responders from three counties. See the full scene on The Highlander Facebook page: http://bit.ly/2gEPz1o
Note: This story has been updated twice since first posting, each time with additional information from the Texas Department of Public Safety and University Medical Center Brackenridge.
By Glynis Crawford Smith
The Highlander
The two victims who died in the crash on Texas 71 east of Spicewood Monday, Nov. 28, have been identified officially as Cynthia Ann Vega, age 46, and her son, Santiago Vega, age 17, both from Marble Falls.
Justino Rodriguez, age 50, a passenger with the Vegas in a 2015 Ford Focus and also from Marble Falls, along with the driver of the 2015 Subaru which struck them, Bala Chandra Sekhar Gutti, 29, of Richardson, were air lifted to University Medical Center Brackenridge. Both were reported in "Good" condition Tuesday afternoon.
Uninjured was Lonnie Wade Jackson, 63, of Colman. He was the driver of a third vehicle incidentally involved in the horrific outcome, a 2012 Volvo truck tractor pulling a trailer unit.
The accident occurred shortly after 8 a.m. Monday on the steep, winding stretch of Texas 71 three miles east of Spicewood. Sgt. Robbie Barrera, Department of Public Safety information officer, said 911 calls had been coming in from motorists observing the Subaru “speeding and driving erratically.” By 8:15 a.m., emergency calls were coming in from witnesses who were dumbstruck by the scene that faced them.
“I've seen things I never want to remember,” said Kyle Fry of Marble Falls as he stood among scattered wreckage and emergency vehicles the length of a football field.
By coincidence, Fry's cousin was at the scene in one of the many haul trucks in the row of traffic. “We were able to get fire extinguishers from the 18-wheelers that had stopped and got the fire out. There was someone alive in each car. It was terrible.”
They were not alone on the heavily traveled road, of course. Shane Wenger, pastor of Elevate Church in Marble Falls, who said in one Monday Facebook comment to The Highlander that it seemed like forever for responders to arrive.
On his own page, Wegner said afterward, “My heart is still so heavy from this a.m.
“Sandy and I came upon a wreck. Had no idea what was going to unfold before the ambulance showed up, as I helped put out the fire. I am just thankful I was able to be used to share Jesus. Talking and praying with someone at the end of their life in a tragic situation is one of the realist moments I have ever had. Make the most of everyday and don't ever think God doesn't need you in His mission plan.”
Fry said he had witnessed the Subaru sports car weaving in and out of traffic and crossing the line into oncoming traffic.
“The impact was driver to driver,” said Sgt. Barrera.
Investigation at the scene was lengthy. At least one resident on Texas 71 reported being unable to exit onto the roadway until 1 p.m. A report based on assessment of the evidence was issued by Sgt. Barrera Tuesday morning confirming the witness account.
Essentially, it stated that the Subaru driven by Gutti was traveling west at a “high rate of speed and recklessly.” The posted speed limit in the area is 70 mph.
The Ford Focus, determined to have been driven by Cynthia Vega rather than Rodriguez as first reported by the DPS, was traveling east in the inside lane. The truck-tractor rig, towing a flatbed trailer, was traveling east in the outside lane behind the Ford.
“The driver of the Subaru failed to negotiate the curve and entered the inside lane of SH 71 into the path of the Ford and crashed into the front left with its front left,” read the report. “The Ford entered a counter clockwise spin towards the eastbound guardrail. The Subaru entered a clockwise spin towards the westbound barrow ditch.
The driver of the Volvo (truck), seeing the crash, tried to take evasive actions and avoid the crash of the two vehicles in front of him...(but) was unable to avoid the Focus and hit the passenger side. The impact caused the Ford to flip onto its passenger side.
Eastbound traffic was diverted to Burnet County Road 413, as the Department of Public Safety and law enforcement and emergency services, along with AirEvac, responded under ominous clouds that befit the solemn task of first responders from three counties. The accident had occurred in the small corner of Blanco County that extends into Burnet and Travis County borders.
Blanco County Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Randy Brodbeck pronounced the Vegas dead at the scene. Sheriff's deputies, fire and emergency medical personnel form all three counties responded.
Even before the official announcement of victim identities, Lake Travis High School (LTHS) Principal Gordon Butler, acted to extend condolences and to reassure schoolmates and their parents over the loss of high school senior Santiago Vega and his mother.
“Please be assured that assisting students is our main concern during this difficult time,” said Butler in a letter to parents. “In order to help them cope with this horrific incident, we have arranged for our district counselors to be on the LTHS campus during the week, as needed.”