OLLI Spring Kickoff Reception Feb. 3

Want to find out more about spring courses at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Texas Tech University? Come to the OLLI Spring Kickoff Reception and walk the red carpet wth OLLI on Friday, Feb. 3!
The reception will feature hors d'oeuvres and beverages and interested parties can sign up for one of several award-winning OLLI spring courses at the Frank Fickett Educational Center at 806 Steve Hawkins Parkway, Marble Falls.
The event starts at 5 p.m. and the cost is free but an RSVP should be made to 830-990-4948.
OLLI offers unique opportunities for local citizens ages 50 and older who wish to continue their learning experiences. For more information, visit hillcountry.olli.ttu.edu.