All safe in precautionary MFISD evacuation



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As a safety precaution, due to a gas line rupture near the Marble Falls Independent School District (MFISD) central offices, the Head Start program at the central offices, and Falls Career High School, students are being moved to alternative locations while the City of Marble Falls fixes the gas line.

All students and staff are safe at the 1800 Colt Drive facility and busses next door will run on their regular schedule.

Falls Career High School students were moved by bus to the Marble Falls Middle School gym today, Jan. 27, at 12:20 p.m. The Falls staff are with the students.

Once the repairs are made to the gas line, students will be brought back to their cars at Falls and they will be released under the normal schedule. For information about the students from Falls at the middle school, call MFMS at 830-693-4439.

Head Start students were moved to the swim program portable building at the north end of the Central Administration facility. Head Start staff contacted parents and guardians and all the district's youngest charges had been picked up by 1:10 p.m.

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