Alan Williams




Granite Shoals plans block parties to 'Know Your Neighbor'

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Glynis Crawford Smith/The Highlander

Alan Williams, owner of the Marble Falls Chick-fil-A franchise, descirbes the Know Your Neighbor program for the Granite Shoals City Council Tuesday, July 11. Jim Hendee, not pictured, manager of Lowe's was also present to add a Turquoise Table feature to the program being backed by Granite Shoals Faith Alliance. Viewed on screens in council chambers was a video about Know Your Neighbor as it began in Westlake and Rollingwood neighborhoods.







By Glynis Crawford Smith

The Highlander

A presentation by the Granite Shoals Faith Alliance and discussion of a new social media initiative aimed at drawing neighborhoods together captured the interest of the Granite Shoals City Council Tuesday, July 11.

“We at the Alliance have been working for the past two years to bring our city together,” said Ray Keesler of Abundant Heart Ministries. “This is a way to bring neighbors together block by block.

“We were delighted when Alan Williams of Chick-fil-A came along and offered a simple, fun way with the Know Your Neighbor program.”

Alliance members Jackie English of Christ Redeemer Church and Mike Mitchell of Granite Fellowship Church were also at the meeting where they made it clear they were supporting the new program, not an a church program, but as willing workers to bring the program together.

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