



Press Play: In line or online, It's Christmas time!

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Paying homage to Clement Clarke Moore's "Christmas Poem," Connie's column describes the hustle and bustle of the shopping season, while offering a modern rendition of the classic literary piece.



By Connie Swinney

'Twas 12 days before Christmas and all through the town,

Not a creature was ready for what was to go down.

All I could see was a glazed look in their eyes.

Like a deer caught in headlights. No smile disguise;


“Are you ready for Christmas?” I say to be merry;

She turned with a jerk and a glare that was scary.

There's always a pause and a quizzical stare.

“Why no, Miss Connie!” How could I dare?


She gave me a nod as we shared nervous sighs;

Then on down the store aisle amidst toddler cries;

Wondering what drove us to wade through the crowds;

All the toys, electronics and clothing that we vowed.


The thoughts of the children all snug in their beds;

Stuffed animals and skateboards and new phones in their heads;

So with a cart full of items, to check out I go;

Whisking by carts that were moving too slow.


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