Glynis Crawford Smith
The Highlander
Work to set up the displays of Christmas by the Highway in Granite Shoals began Monday morning, Nov. 27, with a Dec. 1 lighting goal.
“Volunteers are needed for the work again from 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday,” said Donna Maier, chairwoman of the Beautification Advisory Group (BAG) that sponsors the annual event. “We can use any and all volunteers to help.”
Light trees were installed Nov. 20 with the help of Pedernales Electric Cooperative and BAG volunteers have been busy checking all lights for other installations this week.
“Our light-up ceremony will be at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1,” Maier added. The Highland Lakes Elementary School choir will sing for us and refreshments, usually cookies, hot chocolate and coffee, will be served.”