Colt Elementary School




Feral pigs damage Marble Falls residential, school and business lots

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Crews began to repair landscaping damage Nov. 15 caused by feral hogs overnight in the 1000 block of Ridge Point Drive. Authorities blamed wild pigs for rooting up two other areas of town that same night, including the Colt Elementary School campus and businesses, just off Mormon Mill Road.





By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Feral hogs caused thousands of dollars in damage in one night recently at a local school campus, at least two private businesses and a number of residences, resulting in calls to authorities who contract with a trapper to help cull the herds in the northeast sector of Marble Falls.

The incidents were reported Nov. 15 and were believed to have been caused by a roving band of wild pigs possibly traveling in groups of half a dozen or more.


PEC employees donate school supplies in MFISD

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Several campuses, including Colt Elementary in Marble Falls, received free school supplies before the first day of school due to the generosity of a Pedernales Electric Cooperative first-ever employee-wide collection effort.





Special to The Highlander

Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC) employees teamed up to provide a bright start to the school year for area teachers and students.


Colt honors Powell on Arbor Day

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Colt Elementary School Garden Club students celebrated Arbor Day on April 29 by planting trees on their campus at the end of Manzano Mile in Marble Falls.

They planted three new trees with the help of Home Depot. One was dedicated to Principal Keith Powell who will retire from the Marble Falls Independent School District this year.

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