Dist. 20 Rep. Terry Wilson




Rememberances of 9/11 echo across Highland Lakes

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Glynis Crawford Smith/The Highlander

Texas House Dist. 20 Rep. Terry Wilson reminds guests at the annual 9/11 Day of Remembrance that remembering the fallen does not mean a never-ending mourning but, rather, building a better future on their memory.

By Glynis Crawford Smith

The Highlander

Ceremonies were solemn for First Responder Recognition Day Monday, Sept. 11, when Highland Lakes residents took time to remember those who fell while responding to the attack on the World Trade Center and their fellows who continue today to respond to emergencies.

At the Sandy Harbor Volunteer Fire Department, a bell cast from remains of the Twin Towers was toned at 9:46 a.m.

The bell was donated by a supporter of the SHVFD whose cousin, a New York firefighter, lost is life in the towers' collapse.

"As first responders, our volunteers want to recognize the many sacrifices made by emergency personnel and so many others on this tragic day," said Douglas Hindelang of the department.


Rep. Wilson reports on weeks 8-9 of the 85th Legislature

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By Rep. Terry Wilson

House District 20

The last two weeks of the legislative session saw the first bills voted on by the House of Representatives, passing changes to help the overturned Child Protective Services system for Texas, my first committee meetings, and my first meeting as a member of the Texas Conservative Coalition.

The Texas Conservative Coalition, or TCC for short, is a group of 73 House members, and 16 Senators, who have a shared set of values they pledge to put at the center of all their decision making as legislators.

  1. Protect Constitutional Rights

  2. Advance economic freedom by reducing barriers for first-time employers and job seekers

  3. Promote government reform, accountability, and fiscal responsibility

  4. Encourage job creation through tax reform, reduction, and elimination

  5. Improve education

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