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Hospital nears $2.5 million in EDC reimbursements

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A check $229,820 is presented to Baylor Scott & White (BS&W) by the Marble Falls Economic Development Corporation (MFEDC) at the Sept. 6 meeting of the EDC board of directors. From left, are Bramer Owens, CEO for the BS&W Hill Country Region; Christian Fletcher, MFEDC executive director; Tim Ols, president of BS&W Hill Country Region; Lindsay Plante, an EDC board member and BS&W Hospital Foundation development officer; board members Chris Beck, Ryan Nash; Steve Reitz, EDC board president; Mayor John Packer, and additional EDC board members Jane Marie Hurst, Judy Miller and Mark Mayfield.

By Glynis Crawford Smith

The Highlander

Baylor Scott & White Hospital (BS&W) on Wednesday, Sept. 6, received an annual pay-out and a year's extension on a five-year jobs performance agreement with the Marble Falls Economic Development Corporation (MFEDC).

At a meeting of the MFEDC Board of Directors, a check for $229,820.58 was presented to president Tim Ols and CEO Bramer Owens of the BS&W Hill Country Region.

When BS&W came to town, the EDC focused its incentives on jobs creation and offered up to $2.5 million, based on $5,605 per new job created, first by the Wayne and Eileen Hurd Regional Medical Center and then by the hospital.


County job rebound ahead of state's

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Here's how Burnet County fell in the lineup of an eight-county region of adjoining counties in a chart from the Texas Workforce Commission statistics online at



Burnet County's job market is healthier than it was a year ago, according to a Texas Workforce Commission report that shows the local unemployment rate dropping from 4.0 percent in January 2015 to an improved 3.5 percent for the same month this year.

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