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Llano County news




COVID-19 delays AquaBoom until at least September

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The Kingsland AquaBoom fireworks event - which includes parades, pageants, live music and merchant booths - will not be held on Independence Day in 2020 because of delayed funding and concerns about COVID-19.





By Phil Reynolds
Contributing Writer

Don’t plan on AquaBoom in Kingsland this Independence Day. It’s not happening.

Wendy Taylor, of the popular annual festival, told Llano County commissioners Monday that sponsors and funding for the festival simply weren’t available due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Llano Hospital authority hires legal firm for options on keeping facility

By Phil Reynolds
Contributing Writer

The Llano County Hospital Authority board voted Tuesday to hire an Austin firm as legal advisor to begin trying to learn what the county’s hospital situation will be.

Lawyers from Reed + Clayton will meet with board members, tentatively as soon as Monday, to advise about alternatives. …

Find the rest of this story in the Friday, May 1 issue of The Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a news tip or comment, email Subscribe to the newspaper by calling 830-693-4367 or click here to subscribe to our e-Edition online.



Texas governor unveils plan to re-open Texas economy

Special to The Highlander

Beginning this week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will begin loosening some of the restrictions from his previous executive orders in an effort to begin “reopening the state of Texas.”


Delta Dawn songwriter Alex Harvey remembered

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Singer/Songerwriter Alex Harvey had a large following in the Highland Lakes community, playing regularly at local music venues.




By Lew K. Cohn
Managing Editor

Singer-songwriter, actor and Highland Lakes resident Alex Harvey, who co-wrote the hit song “Delta Dawn,” died Saturday, April 4, his wife Gineille Sabilino posted on his Facebook page. Harvey was 73.


COVID-19 concerns prompt temporary closure of Texas State Parks

Special to The Highlander

At the direction of Gov. Greg Abbott, Texas State Parks will be closed to the public effective at the close of business Tuesday, April 7 in order to maintain the safest environment for visitors, volunteers and staff, according to a press release from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).

"The state agency will continue to stay current with the latest public health recommendations and will announce when a definite reopening date has been determined," the release stated.


Publisher's statement on COVID-19 coverage

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Publisher Jeff Shabram

The Highlander newspaper office, 304A Highlander Circle, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or call 830-693-4367 to subscribe, offer a news tip or advertise.





By Jeff Shabram

As we all continue to deal with the fallout and effects of the threat of coronavirus, we realize that our readers need accurate information.

In light of the announcement of the Burnet County "Stay in Place and Stay Safe" emergency order on March 25, 2020, we will continue our operations as an essential service in the provision of news coverage for the community.


Burnet County and Llano County launch COVID-19 battle plan

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Lew K. Cohn/The Highlander
Burnet County Health Authority Dr. Juliette Madrigal spoke March 19 during a special Burnet County Commissioners meeting to address concerns about the coronavirus.




By Lew K. Cohn
Managing Editor

As the state of Texas, Burnet and Llano counties declared emergencies due to the COVID-19 virus, public officials advised residents it is inevitable the virus will find its way into the Highland Lakes region.

“It's not a matter of if, but when. It's right next door,” said Burnet County Judge James Oakley on Thursday, March 19, during a special called meeting of the Burnet County Commissioners Court that was simulcast live on Facebook.


Marble Falls hospital enacts visitor and testing protocols

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Facilities within the Baylor Scott and White Health network, including the Marble Falls medical center location, 810 W. Texas 71, have instituted limited visitation protocols and created a drive-through COVID-19 testing feature for eligible patients.





By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

In Marble Falls, Baylor Scott and White Hospital has enacted guidelines which control and limit foot traffic as well as accommodates COVID-19 testing procedures.

The protocols include:

• Temporarily limiting public entry points on the Marble Falls campus to the emergency department, main hospital entrance and specialty clinic entrance;


HEB tells customers avoid 'panic,' orders purchase limits

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Contributed/Linda Landua
Empty shelves stand where toilet paper and other paper goods are normally stocked at the H-E-B in Marble Falls on Friday, March 13.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

HEB grocery store officials are asking customers to quell “panic” over concerns about the coronavirus, and have implemented temporary purchase limits of certain items, according to March 13 company statements.

The statement was released after a week-long barrage of customers – including those in Burnet, Marble Falls and Kingsland – in the midst of COVID-19 scare buying items in bulk such as toilet paper, cleaning products, hand sanitizer and even some food items.


Birds of prey soar on the Colorado River

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Colder winters in the northeast motivate eagles to migrate to Texas for temporary homestead.



By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

At the height of the winter season, catching a glimpse of one of the largest birds of prey on Earth is not out of reach for visitors to Burnet and Llano counties.

From December to spring time, Lake Buchanan and the Colorado River which feeds into it, along both the counties have become migrating grounds to the American bald eagle and a number of their juvenile brood. …


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