Llano Uplift Chapter of the DAR




This is Constitution Week

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Burnet County Judge James Oakley holds a proclamation declaring the week of Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week. He is presenting it to members of the Llano Uplift Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, including Joy Shirley, Second Vice Regent; Betsy Englebrecht and JoAnn Myers. The chapter created an exhibit on the Constitution on display now at the Kingsland Library.

The annual celebration of Cononstitution Week began Sunday, Sept. 17, and the Llano Uplift Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution is urging Burnet, Llano and other member counties to join in recognition of the founding document of the United States of America.

“There are two documents of paramount importance to American history: the Declaration of Independence, which forged our national identity, and the United States Constitution, which set forth the framework for the federal government that is still in use today,” said Linda Groff, chairwoman of the Llano Uplift DAR Consituttion Week committee, reporting the national organization's message.

“ While Independence Day is a beloved national holiday, fewer people know about Constitution Week, an annual commemoration of the living document that upholds and protects the freedoms central to our American way of life.”

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