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Mission Hills Drive




Streets getting somewhere in Marble Falls

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Glynis Crawford Smith/The Highlander

Drivers navigate new traffic delineators as they exit Mormon Mill Road in Marble Falls. New roadside and roadway signage and diversions from two-way entry to Walgreens are designed to reduce errors in entering US 281 or Mission Hills Drive. Read about the solutions for one of the worst of the city's traffic snarls in the Tuesday, June 6, edition of The Highlander.







By Glynis Crawford Smith

The Highlander

Ask any travelers that frequent the uphill climb east along Broadway Street or the interchange of Mormon Mill Road and Mission Hills Drive at US 281 in Marble Falls and they will tell you a lot has been going on this spring.

The first has the biggest budget impact and the second the biggest effect on traffic and safety.

Broadway Street

The big project is a complete overhaul of Broadway—a $470,000 Capital Improvement Project begun in May—to bring one of the city's oldest residential streets into the 21st Century.

“We held several public meetings with all the people that live along Broadway, informing they of what was happening,” said City Engineer Eric Belaj. “Basically we are allowing local traffic in off-construction hours and blocking through traffic during working hours.”

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