Spur 261




Brouhaha brewing over proposed RM 1431 change

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Phil Reynolds/The Highlander

Llano County Precinct 2 Commissioner Linda Raschke, left, explains a Texas Department of Transportation plan to change Ranch Road 1431 from a four-lane highway in Llano County to a two-lane road with turn and passing lanes. Precinct 3 Commissioner Mike Sandoval, whose precinct also would be affected by the project, is at right; County Judge Mary Cunningham is seated in the background.



By Phil Reynolds

The Highlander

A revolution may be brewing in Llano County over what some residents perceive as an unneeded and unwanted change to Ranch to Market Road 1431 and an attitude bordering on contempt for local officials by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

At issue is a plan to change the ranch road from four lanes to what is known as a “super two” highway – one lane in each direction with intermittent turn lanes and passing lanes where engineers think they’re needed. The approximately 30 miles of Texas 71 between US 281 south of Marble Falls to Texas 16 in Llano is an example of that type of highway.

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