Sul Ross University




Burnet's Miss Bluebonnet safe during Alpine shooting

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Sierra Armentrout is crowned 2016 Miss Bluebonnet Festival in April. The Sul Ross coed was safely away from the Alpine shooting incident Thursday, Sept. 8.



The 2016 Miss Bluebonnet was safe Thursday, Sept. 8, during an active shooter threat at Sul Ross State University Alpine Campus.

Sierra Armentrout reported to family and friends on social media that she was off campus during an active shooter threat.

“We were rushed off campus to go elsewhere,” Armentrout reported, adding that there is “SWAT everywhere and law enforcement on every corner.”

Sul Ross State University reported an active shooter threat Thursday morning, and campus-wide lockdown was in place on the Alpine Campus as of 10:30 a.m.

“Earlier today a shooting incident was reported at Alpine High School. The high school facilities are currently in lockdown mode and law enforcement officials are on the scene,” Sul Ross State officials reported.

Armentrout, ov Burnet High School Class of 2016 and BHS cheerleader of the year, currently attends the college.

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