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Livestock—not just a man's game

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Richard Zowie/The Highlander

Holly Atkinson, an outstanding Marble Falls FFA member, will show sheep at the Burnet County Livestock Show in Burnet Thursday-Saturday, Jan. 4-6.  She will be among more than 200 FFA and 4-H youth stock raisers taking part.

By Glynis Crawford Smith and Richard Zowie

The Highlander

If you think it will be only fellas showing poultry, rabbits, cattle, sheep, goats and swine at the 2018 Burnet County Livestock Show this weekend, think again.

On a chilly December morning last week, it was four gals feeding stock out at the Marble Falls High School agriculture education barns and they are ready for the show.

The event will take place Thursday-Saturday, Jan. 4-6, at the Burnet County Fairgrounds, 1208 Houston Clinton Drive in Burnet. And, you may see about as many females as males representing the FFA and 4-H chapters in the county.

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