Buena Vista Drive




City eyes house as hazard, Property owner asks for direction

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
During a Town Hall post flood event review Jan. 29, city officials addressed concerns by Marble Falls resident Nancy Dunnam, who lives on Buena Vista Drive, where a number of homes adjacent to Backbone Creek experienced property erosion.





By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

In the aftermath of the October flood event, Marble Falls resident Nancy Dunnam, who has a home on Buena Vista Drive, believes her family has faced a tough climb towards recovery.

“I can't get any information on how to get back in my home. I have a fence that was literally put around my house, no communication,” she said. “How many of you guys that had this happen to you had a fence put around your home? Anybody? Or is it just Buena Vista.”

Dunnam shared her concerns during the Marble Falls Town Hall meeting on Jan. 29, which assessed and gathered citizen input about response and recovery since the flood event.

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