Helping Center




Crisis network launches volunteers over COVID-19 concerns

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Highland Lakes Crisis Network volunteer Pat Hatch and Operations Team leader Rachel Naumann worked to arrange the entity's headquarters on March 18 at 1007 Broadway Avenue in Marble Falls.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Before noon on March 18, 10 requests came into the Highland Lakes Crisis Network office, 1007 Broadway Ave., from elderly residents asking for help obtaining groceries as the coronavirus scare continues to clear store shelves in the community.

“By coincidence one of the people who we deliver (Meals on Wheels) to called in today needing help grocery shopping,” said Ron Munos, a HLCN volunteer, who works with the Meals program as well. “She's afraid to get out. My wife got her list, and if it's not perishable, we'll pick it up this afternoon because we deliver to her anyway.

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