Commissioners accept LCRA donation, award debris bids






By Lew K. Cohn
Managing Editor

Burnet County Commissioners voted unanimously Monday, Nov. 5, during a special called meeting to accept a $100,000 contribution from the Lower Colorado River Authority to help defray flood debris cleanup costs of public waterways.

Commissioners also awarded bids to companies for flood debris removal as well as household hazardous waste removal, subject to approval from County Attorney Eddie Arredondo as well as the Federal Emergency Mangement Agency (FEMA), from which Burnet County hopes to receive funds to help offset debris removal and cleanup costs from the Oct. 16 flood.

County Judge James Oakley said the LCRA gave his office authority to use the funds to help defray costs for public health and safety concerns regarding the cleanup of flood debris with the understanding that 70 percent of the money would be spent on lake coves and other water surface areas. However, none of the money can be used to perform work on private property.

Oakley said the county will work with its municipal partners as well as LCRA to determine the best way to use the funding.

Commissioners awarded the bid for removal of hazardous and household waste to K Five Construction, which had the lowest bid price of $375.40 per cubic ton and scored the highest on bid tabluations done Friday by Commissioners Jim Luther Jr. and Joe Don Dockery and Development Service Director Herb Darling. K Five beat out two other bidders for the contract.

Meanwhile, the bid for removal of flood debris was awarded to Texas Disposal Services (TDS), which submitted the lowest bid of $14.25 per cubic yard and scored the highest on bid tabulations. TDS was the lowest of six bids submitted for the debris contract.

Darling said FEMA was expected to begin conducting its flood damage assessment in Burnet County on Tuesday, Nov. 6, and asked the court to make approval of the bids subject to meeting FEMA guidelines so the county could receive money from FEMA to pay for the work if a presidential disaster declaration is approved.


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