City closes park to clear way for upgrades at Lakeside Park, Buena Vista Drive in Marble Falls

Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Marble Falls city crews begin site preparation for water line work set to begin along Buena Vista Drive adjacent to Lakeside Park. Lakeside Park is closed but the city will help provide access in working with construction crews to make accommodations for those renting Lakeside Pavilion on the south end of the street.
Connie Swinney
Staff Writer
Marble Falls officials closed Lakeside Park Dec. 26 as work got underway on a multi-million dollar parks and infrastructure upgrade plan which includes road re-surfacing, parking expansion, lighting and new water and wastewater line installation.
“The park is closed to the public for the duration due to construction and safety,” Assistant City Manager Caleb Kraenzel said. “The city crews are doing the water and sewer on Buena Vista, while the contractors are focused on the waterfront work.”
Wimberely-based Myers Concrete Construction was awarded a $3,238,582.34 contract to launch a portion of the phase 1A parks improvements plan. The contractor work will involve an improved lakeshore retaining wall; boat ramp expansion; 400 feet of sandy beach with lake access points and a rinse station; utility, landscaping and irrigation work; and sidewalks and parking expansion along Buena Vista Drive adjacent to Lakeside Pavilion.
As Lakeside Park closed on Dec. 26, city crews began clearing the way for the infrastructure work.
“It's going to be a combined effort,” Kraenzel said. “Our guys will be doing the demolition of the existing road . . . creating a blank slate for the construction guys coming in to rebuild the road.”
Other projects to get underway in 2019 include a boat ramp driveway, parking upgrades and restroom replacement in Johnson Park; expanded boat ramp parking and access in Hays Addition (on Lakeshore Drive); and a new restroom facility at Third and Main Street downtown.
Despite Lakeside Park being closed, Lakeside Pavilion will remain available for events rentals.
“There will be a time frame where parking is inconvenient. They may need to park closer to the north or east as the lot is being constructed,” Kraenzel said. “We will work with the construction company to manage access on Buena Vista to the pavilion when it needs to be used.”
Much of the work is expected to be complete by the planned opening of the swimming pool in the summer.