Kingsland MUD crews mend flood-damaged wastewater lines

Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Crews installed more than 600 feet of new wastewater lines Aug. 14 under the water at the Ranch Road 1431 Bridge in Kingsland. The community's municipal utility district discovered a crack in the pipeline along with a large piece of concrete on the lines; blamed on settling debris from the October flood.
By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer
As authorities closed a portion of Lake LBJ at the 1431 Bridge Aug. 14, Kingsland Municipal Utility District crews installed several hundred feet of new wastewater line which was pummeled by debris and buried under at least 8 feet of sand during the October flood.
“We were doing an emergency wastewater line replacement,” said Anita LaBier, general manager of Kingsland Municipal Utility District (KMUD). “We've had a couple of issues.”
The issues first surfaced following the October 2018 flood, when torrential flows from the Llano River slammed into the Highland Lakes. As a result, a massive amount of natural and man-made debris settled into areas of Lake LBJ, creating hazards and leaving damage in its wake. . . .
Find the rest of this story in the Friday, Aug. 16 issue of the Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a comment or news tip, email To subscribe, call 830-693-4367.