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Kingsland news




Gov. Abbott eases more COVID-19 restrictions with phase II

Special to The Highlander

Governor Greg Abbott May 18 announced the second phase of the State of Texas' ongoing plan to safely and strategically open the state while minimizing the spread of COVID-19.

Under Phase II, restaurants may increase their occupancy to 50 percent and additional services and activities that remained closed under Phase I may open with restricted occupancy levels and minimum standard health protocols laid out by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).


Boys and Girls clubs await word on serving more youth

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The Marble Falls unit of the Boys and Girls Club of the Highland Lakes (pictured here) adheres to a limited number of members due to COVID-19 “social distancing” orders.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Officials with the Boys and Girls Club of the Highland Lakes have navigated several weeks of COVID-19 order limitations and have turned their attention to requesting the ability to serve more youngsters.

As the nonprofit organization pivots to summer programs, Executive Director Bill Drake shared with various groups the challenges the programs have faced in Marble Falls, Burnet, Kingsland and Llano.

Drake addressed members of the Marble Falls Daybreak Rotary Club during a video teleconference on May 12.


Marble Falls ISD graduation ceremony will 'look different' this year

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Contributed/Damon Adams
Marble Falls High School Principal Damon Adams, along with a team of district administrators, visited the homes of seniors to deliver graduation awards and yard signs honoring those that finished in the top 10 percent of the 2020 class, including Ben Anderson (pictured here).





By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

Marble Falls Independent School District administrators are dedicated to an in-person graduation for seniors, but due to COVID-19 prevention measures, the ceremony will have restrictions on attendance and format.

The district will hold its celebration of the 2020 class on the original graduation date of Friday, May 29 with an 8 p.m. start time for Marble Falls High School and a 6 p.m. start time for Falls Career High School. …


COVID-19 delays AquaBoom until at least September

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The Kingsland AquaBoom fireworks event - which includes parades, pageants, live music and merchant booths - will not be held on Independence Day in 2020 because of delayed funding and concerns about COVID-19.





By Phil Reynolds
Contributing Writer

Don’t plan on AquaBoom in Kingsland this Independence Day. It’s not happening.

Wendy Taylor, of the popular annual festival, told Llano County commissioners Monday that sponsors and funding for the festival simply weren’t available due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


H-E-B expands hours as essentials return to stock

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Marble Falls, Kingsland and Burnet H-E-B customers will see extended hours due to stock supply improvements.



By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Due to improved ability to keep shelves stocked in recent weeks, H-E-B grocery store locations in Burnet, Marble Falls and Kingsland will ease limited store hour restrictions starting Monday, April 27.

“To better serve our customers, H-E-B will expand its temporary hours of operation at stores across Texas,” according to a store statement.


Texas State Parks re-open for day use

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Inks Lake State Park is one of the venues that was re-opened for day use by the Texas governor on Monday, April 20 as a post-COVID-19 measure.




Special to The Highlander

Texas State Parks began re-opening for day-use only April 20 as part of a broader effort to begin re-opening the state of Texas.

Per Governor Abbott’s direction, new restrictions in effect include requiring visitors to wear face coverings and maintain a six-foot distance from individuals outside of their party and prohibiting the gathering of groups larger than five. …


Llano hospital officials outline coronavirus strategy

By Phil Reynolds
Contributing Writer

Officials provided reassurances for patients at hospital and clinic facilities in Llano recently about their aim to mitigate the spread of cases of COVID-19.

Tim Ols, president of Baylor Scott & White’s Hill Country operation, joined the April 7 Llano County Commissioners meeting via phone and brought the board up to date on the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.


Publisher's statement on COVID-19 coverage

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Publisher Jeff Shabram

The Highlander newspaper office, 304A Highlander Circle, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or call 830-693-4367 to subscribe, offer a news tip or advertise.





By Jeff Shabram

As we all continue to deal with the fallout and effects of the threat of coronavirus, we realize that our readers need accurate information.

In light of the announcement of the Burnet County "Stay in Place and Stay Safe" emergency order on March 25, 2020, we will continue our operations as an essential service in the provision of news coverage for the community.


Marble Falls ISD requests travel reporting

By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

Marble Falls Independent School District is seeking voluntary disclosure of high-risk travel as a way to remain informed about the community during the COVID-19 spread.

The district is asking students and staff who travel out of the state or country or have family members visiting from out of the state or country during spring break to complete a travel form by Sunday, March 22. …


HEB tells customers avoid 'panic,' orders purchase limits

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Contributed/Linda Landua
Empty shelves stand where toilet paper and other paper goods are normally stocked at the H-E-B in Marble Falls on Friday, March 13.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

HEB grocery store officials are asking customers to quell “panic” over concerns about the coronavirus, and have implemented temporary purchase limits of certain items, according to March 13 company statements.

The statement was released after a week-long barrage of customers – including those in Burnet, Marble Falls and Kingsland – in the midst of COVID-19 scare buying items in bulk such as toilet paper, cleaning products, hand sanitizer and even some food items.


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