LCRA - So what is the problem?

Connie Swinney/The Highlander
LCRA Executive Vice President of Water John Hofmann addressed the Marble Falls City Council in February about the entity's operations during the October 2018 flood. Council members quizzed Hofmann about debris and sediment deposits left in the flood's wake.
By William D. (Dee) Haddock
Marble Falls City Council Member
As I begin this letter, I want to make clear that I am writing this as an individual member of the Marble Falls City Council, and I am not speaking for the Council as a whole.
In recent Marble Falls City Council meetings, Council addressed the issue of the LCRA management of the Colorado River and Lake Marble Falls. Specifically, the issues are related to the diminished capacity of Lake Marble Falls due to sediment deposits and the resulting conditions that affect recreational safety and potential flooding.
In the February 4, 2019 Marble Falls Council meeting after the October 2018 flood, the Council was told by John Hofmann, the LCRA Executive Vice President of Water, that the “river” scours itself. This explanation sounds really good, except the dams prevent the sediments from washing down the river. . . .
Find the rest of the opinion piece by Councilman Haddock in the Tuesday, Oct. 29 issue of The Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a comment or news tip, email To subscribe to the newspaper, call 830-693-4367 or click here to subscribe to our e-Edition online.