LCRA announces water releases at Starcke Dam in March

File photo
Water rushes through just one of the 10 floodgates on Max Starke Dam below Lake Marble Falls. LCRA announced they will be releasing water through partially opened floodgates in March while conducting maintenance.
From staff reports
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) will begin making routine water releases at Max Starcke Dam in Marble Falls next month, the agency announced this week.
Through mid-to-late March, LCRA will release water every few days, as needed, through partially open floodgates at Starcke Dam instead of through hydroelectric generation while conducting planned maintenance at the dam.
Hydroelectric generation, which normally is used to pass water through the dam, will be unavailable. The temporary change in operations at Starcke Dam will not affect or be affected by the refill of Inks Lake and Lake LBJ beginning Monday, Feb. 24.
The routine releases are expected to occur several times a week, for several hours at a time, and will be scheduled during daylight hours, when possible. The change in operations will not affect the amount of water that will be released, and flow amounts will not exceed the typical amount released through hydroelectric generation. …
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