Stations of the Cross returns to Horseshoe Bay

The Church at Horseshoe Bay revives Stations of the Cross during the Easter season for spiritual reflection and worship.
Special to The Highlander
The exact origin of The Stations of the Cross is not entirely clear, though it is associated with the Christian pilgrimages to Jerusalem in the early Christian centuries.
Those who were able to walk along the path Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion were deeply moved by this experience. There’s something about being in the actual place where something momentous happened that makes the event more real.
Christians throughout the last 2000 years have made pilgrimages to walk the Via Dolorosa, pausing to remember The Stations of the Cross along the way. Each Station assists the visitors to vicariously experience the journey of Jesus to Calvary through images, scripture and prayers. This walk with Jesus to the cross leads to a deeper gratitude for the blessings of God’s amazing grace. …
Find the rest of this story and comprehensive news coverage in the Friday, April 3 issue of The Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a comment or news tip, email or call 830-693-4367. Click here to subscribe to our e-Edition online.